Wednesday, 23 March 2011


The installation Custodian provides a unique opportunity to see a new body of work by Marged Pendrell. Many of the works derive from physical walks in the landscape, which have involved the collection of natural materials both by the artist and invited participants. There are many threads to the work including the cultural connection/ disconnection with land, environmental concerns, personal narratives with land and the physicality of land itself in the form of collected earth, sand and stone.

Think, if you were asked to collect soil from a place that holds important memories for you where would it be?

Marged Pendrell has made a number of bowl shaped pieces from various parts of the earth (soil), Why do you think she has chosen this shape?

The earth holds so many colours, demonstrated in Pendrell’s collections, do you think that colour can effect memory?

Marged Pendrell has made some drawings using the earth (soil), if you where to make an earth drawing what would you include?
Think of the type of earth you would use and the shapes/content that would represent them the best.

Mae’r gosodwaith Gofalwr yn rhoi cyfle unigryw i ni weld corff newydd o waith gan Marged Pendrell. Mae llawer o’r gwaith yn deillio o deithiau cerdded allan yn y wlad lle bu’r artist, a rhai eraill a wahoddwyd ganddi, yn casglu deunyddiau naturiol. Mae nifer o bynciau yn y gwaith yn cynnwys y cysylltiad/datgysylltiad gyda’r tir, pryderon amgylcheddol, naratif bersonol gyda’r tir a phresenoldeb corfforol y tir ei hun drwy bridd, tywod a cherrig a gasglwyd.

Meddyliwch,os am gasglu pridd o le sy`n dal atgofion arbennig,pa le y dewiswch?

Dewisodd Marged Pendrell siap powlen i greu darnau gwahanol o`r pridd.Tybed pam a wnaeth ddewis y siap hwn?

Dangosir gwaith Marged Pendrell wahanol liwiau o`r pridd.Tybed yw lliw yn cael effaith ar y cof?

Gwelwn fod Marged Pendrell wedi defnyddio`r pridd yn ei lluniau. Pa gynnwys a ddewiswch yn eich llun daearol? Meddyliwch sut fath o ddaear i ddefnyddio,y siap a`r cynnwys gorau i bortreadu`r gwaith.

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