1. How does the use of recycle material effect the artwork?
2. Would the artwork have the same effect in a different material?
3. Hazoumè’s artworks reference Africa’s social history (Slavery in particular), how does the work ‘La bouche du roi’ do this?
4. Have a look at the objects around you. Can you create a mask from them?
2. Fuasai’r gwaith celf yn cael yr un effaith mewn deunydd arall?
3. Mae gweithiau celf Hazoumè yn cyfeiro at hanes cymdeithasol Affrica (yn enewedig caethwasiaeth). Sut mae’r gwaith ‘La bouche du roi’ yn gwneud hyn?
4. Edrychwch ar y gwrthrychau o’ch cwmpas. Fedrwch chi wneud masg ohonynt?